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"More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly." --Woody Allen
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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Autumn Glow wine destroyed in mishap

The Rebec Autumn Glow wine referred to in the last post has been destroyed by the unwitting acts of my outgoing roommate. (Note that the ex-roomate's name has been changed, because I'm a nice guy.)

Sometime between the hours of 3:15 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. this past Sunday, my roommate Rob arrived at The Castle in a mentally-curbed state. For some reason, Rob believed that we had not consumed enough beer earlier in the day at Buffalo Billiards and Cafe Citron, and that he should help himself to my personal collection of wine.

What happened next is not known, not even to Rob. However, he did successfully remove the cork from the bottle. Rob later wrote: "I honestly drank that when I wasn't necessarily in my right mind."

At approximately 8 a.m. Sunday morning, I discovered the Castle main door wide open and the wine bottle smashed on the concrete steps leading up to the front door. A wine bottle opener (waiter style) and various of Rob's possessions lay strewn about the front porch.

Autumn Glow, the color of which is representative of an autumn sunset, met the harsh light of the morning sun. It is believed that Rob consumed very little of the wine and most of it laid the foundation for a very large, brownish stain.

Rob lost his cell phone at some point during the mishap. But, following intense negotiations, a good Samaritan returned the phone to Rob for a "voluntary" contribution of only $40. Rob sees this transaction as saving him at least $60 given that he will not have to buy a new phone, not to mention the invaluable digits contained therein.

Update 10/5/05: Last weekend when he moved out and I was out of town, Rob swiped at least two bottles of my favorite wine (difficult to replace), an assortment of leftover liquor, my leftover Chinese takeout (which is delicious by the way), and some old frozen food. He has never confessed to swiping a battery from the DVD player remote control, but I guess one has to let some things go. Negotiations are underway for an out-of-court settlement.


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